November 15, 2013

Christmas is coming and....

...the minutes are whizzing by!  I've gotten three different orders for Christmas gifts, but if I share with you I might ruin the surprise.  I CAN tell you that they involve amigurumi, clothing and accessories of various shapes and sizes, but I won't post until after the items have been delivered to their prospective Santas.  I am thrilled to be able to share my crochet with others this holiday season and I still have a little bit of time to squeak in some custom orders (depending on what is wanted), so if you need a unique gift please let me know.  I will stop taking orders for Christmas on December 8th, so order soon.  How? Email ( or visit my Facebook page and let me know that you're interested.  I can do hats, scarves, shawls, dolls and small toys that are all affordable (and safe for babies).  Thanks for stopping by today!  

September 27, 2013

Owl Hat & Mittens

Well, here they are! I'm pleased with the way they turned and out and even more proud of myself for the mittens.  I found 4-5 different patterns for the thumbless baby mitts, but I frogged them all because they were written poorly and things weren't working.  I ended up started them like the amigurumi dolls (magic ring and spiral sc) until I got to the length I wanted, and then I changed color to sc around and then added double crochets every few stitches to make the holes for the "laces" to go through.  Worked like a charm!  I think it's really cute and I hope my recipient likes it too.

I have patterns for all sorts of animals - a dog, cat, duck, bear, sock monkey, pig, cow, lion, penguin and rabbit.  Then there's the now popular Despicable Me Minions and Mickey/Minnie caps.  I guess if you can think of it, there's a pattern for it or it can be created.  Are you ready for winter? If not, I'd love to crochet a special one-of-a-kind hat (and mittens or wristers) just for you!

September 17, 2013

WIP - Owl Hat 3-6mo baby girl

This will be an owl hat for a 3-6 month old baby girl.  I also hope to make matching mittens.  I got the pattern from RepeatCrafterMe and it should look something like this when I'm done:

September 12, 2013

Hello Followers!

Thanks for following my blog and for liking my Facebook page!

She's Done!

Mermaid front pre-hair
The completion of my first amigurumi doll.   Here she is pre-hair (front)

And below is her pre-hair back side.  Her bra is sewn down and her belt is different in back than in front (although you won't see it with her hair attached).

Finally! After some frogging and hemming and hawing, I finally got this not-so-little mermaid finished in time for the performance of "The Little Mermaid Jr." glad it's done!  What do you think?  Next time I'll use a much smaller hook to avoid the gaps and will stuff her neck a lot fuller (she's a bobble head! LOL).  Hope Sarah's mentor enjoys her :)

:) Blessings, Cindy

August 29, 2013

Mermaid, Part 2

So my little mermaid now has a complete head, eyes, neck, chest and the beginnings of her fin and tail.  I'm a lot happier with how she's turning out than the last mermaid, but this one is about twice the size as my first attempt.  Lesson learned here: a bigger crochet hook does not necessarily produce a better/bigger piece.  In amigurumi, it's essential that there be no spaces between the stitches and that is just really impossible when using a bigger hook.  Who knew? Well, Ok.  Maybe just me, but I'm all for experimentation, trial and error and all that jazz.  I'm not starting over. 

This little gem is taking FOREVER, but it's not because it's difficult to make.  I am just so squeezed for time right now that when I do have the time, I'm tired and don't feel like counting stitches.  I only have two weeks to get her done, so time is ticking and it's time to make the time to get her completed.  I can't wait to see her done and in the hands of Princess's mentor.  The show is coming along beautifully and I'm so happy for these kids.  They've worked so hard - but more on that later.   Keep on stitching! <3 YO Mama

August 21, 2013


According to Wikipedia:  Amigurumi (編みぐるみ?, lit. crocheted or knitted stuffed toy) is how Japanese call the trend of knitting or crocheting small stuffed animals and anthropomorphic creatures. The word is derived from a combination of the Japanese words ami, meaning crocheted or knitted, and nuigurumi, meaning stuffed doll.[1] Amigurumi are typically animals, but can include artistic renderings or inanimate objects endowed with anthropomorphic features,[2] as is typical in Japanese culture.

Yup, I didn't have a clue at first either.  I just thought crocheting had to do with scarves, hats and baby sweaters.  Japanese toys? Who knew?  But I have to tell you, I'm digging this amigurumi thing and I think I might have stumbled into a new hobby.  

Princess is participating in a local production of "The Little Mermaid Jr." and has a mentor who is helping her with her dancing, singing and lines.  So, as a thank you gift for this young lady, I took it upon myself to try a mermaid doll.  My first attempt looked like this:

She has no face, no arms and her seashells didn't come out the way I planned, but overall she's ok for my first attempt.  I think I got a little ambitious though, because her tail was super stitched (it's two pieces) and is messy in the back.  Her neck is all goofed up too and has gaping holes.  I used a hook that's too bit and she looks deformed.  Princess wants her, so I'll finish her off and give her to my budding thespian as a reminder of her time in the show.

So now, I'm onto mermaid #2.  Again, I chose a bigger hook (why, oh why oh why?) and a different pattern.  Her head worked up in one sitting and looks pretty good so far.  What do you think?  I still have a ways to go, but this doll will be done in one continuous round and then I'll add the arms.  None of that two-part tail business.  This next doll will be HUGE compared to mermaid #1, but hopefully she'll be really cute and a lot easier to make.  I'll post when she's complete, but here is my started project:

This ami stuff is fun and I've already collected patterns for my Dr.Whovians in the house.  That's a huge, overly ambitious project too, complete with Tardis, but I'm not one to back down from a challenge.  Pretty soon I'll be traveling through the time/space continuum to get it done before Christmas.....maybe.

June 27, 2013

Open for Business!

Many moons ago (17 years ago to be exact), I was taught how to crochet by a sweet little old neighbor lady before my 2nd child was born.  I was 24 and she was from England.  She spent an afternoon with me and taught me how to chain stitch and single crochet.  Once I got those stitches down, she left me to my own devices to work on my first-ever baby blanket.  Then within a few weeks she moved.  I never learned how to tie off, do a double crochet, finish a project or even tie a slip knot (she did that for me too).  After a lot of frustration trying to figure out the lousy pictures in the two books I found at the library, I threw my crochet hook and yarn up in the air and gave up.

Fast forward 17 years and thank the heavens for YouTube!  I have relearned how to do the things I was once taught and am also learning so much more.  The internet is a beautiful thing!  I have found many wonderful tutorials, patterns, and great Etsy and web shops that are supplying tons of inspiration and support.

However, before you click that mouse and say "eh..another crocheter...." I want you to know that each piece I create, I intentionally pray over.  Yup, you read that right.  I pray.  I ask for a blessing over the person who will receive my crocheted piece and ask that they will enjoy it for a long time.  I ask that they feel loved when they are given whatever I've made and I hope that it will last and be cherished for a long time.  I believe in the power of prayer and I also believe in supporting those who make things homemade.  I hope that you, too, see the value of purchasing items made by hand from those who invest time and quality into their work.  We, home crafters, are not big box stores and we do not have the buying power to make things cheaply.  Let's face it, yarn and fabric is expensive.  When you purchase handmade, you purchase quality, time, and love put into every single stitch. 

I would like to thank you for supporting me and thanks for checking out my site!  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or to place a custom order. You can check out my Etsy shop HERE. :)