August 29, 2013

Mermaid, Part 2

So my little mermaid now has a complete head, eyes, neck, chest and the beginnings of her fin and tail.  I'm a lot happier with how she's turning out than the last mermaid, but this one is about twice the size as my first attempt.  Lesson learned here: a bigger crochet hook does not necessarily produce a better/bigger piece.  In amigurumi, it's essential that there be no spaces between the stitches and that is just really impossible when using a bigger hook.  Who knew? Well, Ok.  Maybe just me, but I'm all for experimentation, trial and error and all that jazz.  I'm not starting over. 

This little gem is taking FOREVER, but it's not because it's difficult to make.  I am just so squeezed for time right now that when I do have the time, I'm tired and don't feel like counting stitches.  I only have two weeks to get her done, so time is ticking and it's time to make the time to get her completed.  I can't wait to see her done and in the hands of Princess's mentor.  The show is coming along beautifully and I'm so happy for these kids.  They've worked so hard - but more on that later.   Keep on stitching! <3 YO Mama

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